Teaching Resident Physicians to Be Educators
BEST Module 6: Teaching Procedures
Bringing Education & Service Together (BEST) is an interdisciplinary service learning project for resident physicians.
- Faculty Guide - Module 6 - Teaching Procedures
- Handouts - Module 6 - Teaching Procedures
- Lesson Plan - Module 6 - Teaching Procedures
- Slides - Module 6 - Teaching Procedures
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this module, participants will be able to:
- Develop skills on teaching a learner how to perform a procedure
- Practice teaching procedures
- Identify the three phases of teaching procedures
Approach to Teaching Procedures
Learners must go through three phases of psychomotor skills development:
- Cognitive: Why? & How?
- Developmental
- Automated
Cognitive Phase
Learners first need to understand the “why” components of the procedure:
- Why learn procedure?
- Indications
- Contraindications
- Risks/complications
- Benefits
- Alternatives
Since learners prefer active learning, teach through questioning:
- Has the learner done this procedure before?
- What does s/he recall about indications, risks, etc.?
Then address the “how” components
- Demonstrate procedure step by step.
Ask learner to verbalize the steps.
Ask for questions.
Developmental Phase
Next, learners need to practice.
- Have learner demonstrate procedure for you, explaining each step out loud.
- Provide guidance for each step, both verbally and physically.
- Evaluate learner’s proficiency: what did learner do right, wrong?
- Ask learner to self-evaluate, then give specific feedback, starting with the positive aspects of the performance.
- Does the learner have any questions, now that s/he has practiced the skills?
- Rapid cycle deliberate practice is an effective technique of having learners cycle rapidly between deliberate practice and directed feedback.
- Dividing the procedure up into segments can make it easier to practice and learn.
- Between segments, pause, debrief, rewind, have the learner try again.
Automated Phase
Finally, learners begin achieving proficiency and are ready for independent performance.
- Observe performance again, this time with minimal interruption.
- You can now teach the fine points.
- Encourage self-directed learning: What are the learner’s future learning goals, and how does s/he want to achieve them? What have you read or done that helped you learn?
- Arrange for a follow-up session.